Following are the appointments scheduled from Friday 6 to Thursday 12 July ...
Every week the Civic Museums of Bologna propose a rich calendar of events, for
Following are the appointments scheduled from Friday 6 to Thursday 12 July ...
Every week the Civic Museums of Bologna propose a rich calendar of events, for
Following are the appointments scheduled from Friday 6 to Thursday 12 July ...
Every week the Civic Museums of Bologna propose a rich calendar of events, for
The Quadrilatero the ancient market in Bologna
Bologna la dotta the oldest University in the world
GUIDE OF BOLOGNA is the only tourist guide of the city sponsored by: Bologna Welcome, Federalberghi Bologna, Confcommercio Ascom Bologna, Bologna Fairs and Bologna Airport.
It is distributed free of charge in all 3, 4 and 5-star hotels in Bologna and its province, in the Bologna Welcome points and in the Bologna Fiere info point during the major trade fairs.
It contains thematic itineraries of the historical center of Bologna (written in exclusive) published in Italian and English, as well as columns such as "Bologna in tavola" and "Bologna in shopping" which orient tourists in the choice of restaurants and shops.
It is the only one to have the map of the historical center in A3 format packed in the center of the brochure.
Web Design: Jacopo Kahl
Realizzato da ARCOBALENO PUBBLICITA' Via Papini, 26/b - 40128 Bologna - Tel 051 320424 - Fax 051 4170210 -
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